Transforming consciousness into a habit

enero 31, 2014 — 6 comentarios

Habits are formed for the improvement of neuronal connections. It is said that the repetition makes stronger the connections and that the average time to install a new behavior is 21 days (although this varies greatly depend on some topics).

Also it seems that the repetition helps for the behavior establishment during the initial moments but not make an improvement on the establishment long-term or when we increase a certain number of reps.

One of the first things I hear when I started to learn «human decoding» is that when someone wants to change a behavior or find another solution to confront some problem: «first understand, then you can change… if still you want to change it». It means that if we don’t understand why we use a specific pattern or behavior in specific situations, we will not change it successfully by the mere fact of wanting to do.

Do you know people who say: «I want a change» but every time they do the same… again and again?… or do you experience some situation that you want to make different because feel you are not satisfied… but always reach the same point?. «I’m going to loss weight, this time really I’ll do it», «I’m going to leave this work, sure this time!», and the time goes and goes…

Of course, I am one of that people who have had this experiences.

So finally, I decide to focus in consciousness as an habit… . Maybe is not a behavior (by definition is the knowledge that someone has of himself and context). But focus on know myself, who I am and which topics touch me in every moment… then I can understand more about my behaviors and this will be a base for a change. And also it allow me to feel alive during the process since I begin to work on a habit or behavior. It gives me another quality and also knowledge and results. Even if I don’t reach the objective that was in my mind, I can experience the process in a conscious way and take a benefit.

So, another inspiring teaching from human decoding: take the time and space to check who you are and what affects you in every situation. In my experience It seems simple but not easy. Like change a behavior: «stop smoking!», simple but not easy.

* (Post based on personal experiences connected with the teachings and philosophy of the mentor Thomas Hertlein).

6 comentarios para Transforming consciousness into a habit


    I can relate to the essence of this post and more specifically, to what is said in the video. I am one of those people who has said many times «when I reach this: insert here milestone / job promotion / event in a relationship / whatever» I will be satisfied / happy / fulfilled.
    I work hard to achieve what I want, often being a poor judge of an optimum work / rest / play ratio (this is something to work on, I know).
    Recent events, which have been beyond my control, have forced me to put certain aspects of my daily life into perspective.
    A few months ago, I purchased a metal plaque with the quote «Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans» and in order to make myself read it various times a day, I placed it in a very visible place at home.
    It may sound like a silly idea, but so far it’s working and while I still have my sights on certain goals, I’m putting in the time and effort to enjoy the «little things» in life.
    Thanks, as always, for the thought-provoking and inspirational posts!.


      Enjoy the «little things» is not so easy sometimes. In my experince is needed space to enjoy even the little things… and it was difficult find this space when I was busy, I didn´t enjoy really nothing. Just for the fact thinking about something to enjoy, I went into stress.

      Then I’ll find that if I focus on design some guidelines to create space, it works. But before that I needed to stop for a while and ask myself about who I am in that moment. And no one time or two… many times. I put signals and posts for all over my house, even I had people around me that helped to went in process to make a change. But the best support come through the person who led me to investigate why I was making some things before I change nothing.

      My advise is not to create more stress thinking in we should enjoy or life the present or whatever. Only take the time to understand why we are busy in some moment, or why we put the quote, why we do what we are doing? It must have a meaning


    And still on topic, however on a slightly different slant, I was just thinking of how very rewarding it must be to actually identify what it is that is holding you back, or making you not achieve your goals, time after time. Kind of like your own personal stone or boulder, stuck right in the middle of your path to success or personal achievement.


      It’s about behavior patterns. We don’t need to understand all the situations that happen in our lifes. Only understand what behaviors we repeat in different situations, when we use the same solutions in different levels (same behavior patterns in relations, work, friendships, body…). When we begin to understand our patterns, then we can applied another solution in the different levels. Through the experience we can learn another patterns or use the same but consciously and taking a benefit from it.

      Is not easy, this are the topics that we can work through mentoring, coaching and another personal development forms. It’s about consciousness.

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